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A Stranger of the House - the Crossroads III
Mlynářová, J.; Kilani, M.; Alivernini, Sergio
2019 - English
The Crossroads III – A Stranger in the House. Foreigners in Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Societies of the Bronze Age conference has been held at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Prague) between September 10 and 13, 2018. The main objective of the conference was to enhance our understanding of “foreignness” in ancient societies between the end of the Chalcolithic period and the end of the Late Bronze Age. This book collects some of the twenty most significant contributions presented at the conference. Some authors decided to approach the discussion from a theoretical perspective, or to present and discuss theoretical frameworks that could be used to explore at least some elements underlying the concept of “foreignness”. Others investigated sociocultural dimension involved in the presence of foreigners, or in their interactions with local communities. Cases from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and the Levant, covering the whole of the Bronze Age have been discussed. The wide range of perspectives, and their combination within the frame of the conference often stimulated that multidisciplinary dialogue that was the primary aim of this third edition of Crossroads Keywords: emigration and immigration; immigrants; aliens; social structure; social mobility; bronze age; ancient Egypt; Middle East Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A Stranger of the House - the Crossroads III

The Crossroads III – A Stranger in the House. Foreigners in Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Societies of the Bronze Age conference has been held at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Prague) ...

Mlynářová, J.; Kilani, M.; Alivernini, Sergio
Orientální ústav, 2019

Odoric of Pordenone: From Venice to Peking and back. Meetings on the Roads of the Old World in the 13th–14th centuries. Proceedings of the International Conference. Pilsen, 13th to 14th November 2006
Sommer, Petr; Liščák, Vladimír
2008 - Czech
Collected papers on the contacts between medieval Europe and the East and especially on the role of Odoric of Pordenone, a Franciscan missionary of the 14th century. Sborník věnovaný obecně stykům středověké Evropy s východem a speciálně úloze Odorika z Pordenone, františkánského misionáře 14. století. Keywords: Odorik of Pordenone; contacts between Europe and Asia; Silk Roads Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Odoric of Pordenone: From Venice to Peking and back. Meetings on the Roads of the Old World in the 13th–14th centuries. Proceedings of the International Conference. Pilsen, 13th to 14th November 2006

Collected papers on the contacts between medieval Europe and the East and especially on the role of Odoric of Pordenone, a Franciscan missionary of the 14th century.

Sommer, Petr; Liščák, Vladimír
Orientální ústav, 2008

Orientalia Antiqua Nova vol. IV
Charvát, Petr; Budil, I.
2004 - Czech
A volume of studies from the fourth year of an information colloquy on research conducted by Czech scholars in the field of ancient Near Eastern studies. Sborník ze čtvrtého běhu informačního kolokvia o práci českých badatelů v oblasti starověkého Orientu. Keywords: Near East; history; archaeology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Orientalia Antiqua Nova vol. IV

A volume of studies from the fourth year of an information colloquy on research conducted by Czech scholars in the field of ancient Near Eastern studies.

Charvát, Petr; Budil, I.
Orientální ústav, 2004

Orientalia Antiqua Nova vol. III
Charvát, Petr; Budil, I.
2003 - Czech
A volume of studies from an information colloquy concerning ancient Oriental research conducted by Czech specialists (third year). Sborník ze 3. informačního kolokvia o práci českých badatelů v oblasti starověkého Orientu. Keywords: Near East; history; archaeology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Orientalia Antiqua Nova vol. III

A volume of studies from an information colloquy concerning ancient Oriental research conducted by Czech specialists (third year).

Charvát, Petr; Budil, I.
Orientální ústav, 2003

Orientalia Antiqua Nova II
Charvát, Petr; Budil, I. T.
2002 - Czech
A volume of proceedings of an information colloquy of specialists in the field of ancient Oriental studies in the Czech Republic. Konferenční sborník z informačního kolokvia odborníků v oblasti starověkého Předního Východu v ČR. Keywords: Orient; Ancient History Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Orientalia Antiqua Nova II

A volume of proceedings of an information colloquy of specialists in the field of ancient Oriental studies in the Czech Republic.

Charvát, Petr; Budil, I. T.
Orientální ústav, 2002

Character of the Ruling Élites in the Ancient Empires
Pečírková, Jana
2002 - Czech
Charakter of education, skill and system of value in the ancient Assyria and Rome. Charakter vzdělání, dovedností a systému hodnot vládnoucích vrstev ve společnostech starověké Asýrie a starověkého Říma. Keywords: ruling élites; Ancient Empires Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Character of the Ruling Élites in the Ancient Empires

Charakter of education, skill and system of value in the ancient Assyria and Rome.

Pečírková, Jana
Orientální ústav, 2002

Orientalia Antiqua Nova
Charvát, Petr
2001 - Czech
A volume of proceedings from an information colloquy of specialists in the field of ancient Near Eastern studies. Konferenční sborník z informačního setkání odborníků v oblasti studií starověkého Předního Východu. Keywords: Oriental Studies; Ancient History; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Orientalia Antiqua Nova

A volume of proceedings from an information colloquy of specialists in the field of ancient Near Eastern studies.

Charvát, Petr
Orientální ústav, 2001

František Ženíšek, Oldřich and Božena or, On the purported polygyny of the ancient Czechs and Moravians
Charvát, Petr
1999 - Czech
Keywords: kultura; staré východní církve Available at various institutes of the ASCR
František Ženíšek, Oldřich and Božena or, On the purported polygyny of the ancient Czechs and Moravians

Charvát, Petr
Orientální ústav, 1999

Intellectual Life of the Ancient Near East. Papers Presented at the 43rd Rencontre assyriologique internationale, Prague, July 1-5, 1996
Prosecký, Jiří
1998 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Intellectual Life of the Ancient Near East. Papers Presented at the 43rd Rencontre assyriologique internationale, Prague, July 1-5, 1996

Prosecký, Jiří
Orientální ústav, 1998

Aliud etiam referam de magno cane quod vidi. Odoric of Pordenone and his encounter(s) with the Great Khan
Liščák, Vladimír
From major part of Latin manuscripts of the travel report of Odoric of Pordenone we learn that he was personally present at an encounter of the Franciscan friars with the Great Khan. In the text known as De reverentia magni Chanis is described the esteem, which allegedly Yesün Temür Khan (reigned 1323–1328) showed to the Christian faith represented by the cross. The event said to occurred during the Great Khan’s journey from Khanbaliq to his Summer Palace in Shangdu. Only a very small part of the Latin manuscripts, which arose in the central-southern Germany (recensio Germanica) in the second half of the 14th century, contain the passage, commonly known as De prædicatione magno Chani. It records, as the only source in Latin, Odoric’s predication before the Khutughtu Khan (Qošila, Küsele, reigned 1328–1329). Z většiny latinsky psaných rukopisů cestovní zprávy Odorika z Pordenone se dozvídáme, že byl osobně přítomen setkání františkánských bratří s Velikým chánem. V textu známém jako De reverentia magni Chanis je popsána úcta, kterou údajně projevil Veliký chán Jesün Temür(vládl 1323–1328) křesťanské víře zastupované křížem. K události došlo prý během chánovy cesty z Chánbalyku (Ta-tu) do letního paláce v Šang-tu. Pouze velmi malá část latinských rukopisů, které vznikly na území středo-jižního Německa (recensio Germanica) ve druhé polovině 14. století, obsahuje pasáž, obecně nazývanou De prædicatione magno Chani. Zachycuje, jako jediný latinsky psaný pramen, Odorikovo kázání před Velikých chánem Chošilou (vládl 1328–1329). Keywords: Franciscan missions; China; Odoric of Pordenone; Great Khan Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Aliud etiam referam de magno cane quod vidi. Odoric of Pordenone and his encounter(s) with the Great Khan

From major part of Latin manuscripts of the travel report of Odoric of Pordenone we learn that he was personally present at an encounter of the Franciscan friars with the Great Khan. In the text known ...

Liščák, Vladimír
Orientální ústav

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