Number of found documents: 144
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Several Notes on the State of the Czech Legal Order
Cvrček, František
2010 - Czech
In the chapter, the author deals with a quantitative analysis of the Czech legal order and its comparison with the legal order of the Slovak Republic and France. He considers problems and presents proposals for measures. Autor se v kapitole zabývá kvantitativní analýzou českého právního řádu a jejich srovnáním s právním řádem Slovenské republiky a Francie. Zvažuje problémy a předkládá návrhy na opatření. Keywords: quantitative analysis; Czech legal order; Slovak legal order Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Several Notes on the State of the Czech Legal Order

In the chapter, the author deals with a quantitative analysis of the Czech legal order and its comparison with the legal order of the Slovak Republic and France. He considers problems and presents ...

Cvrček, František
Ústav státu a práva, 2010

Animal as an Object of Legal Relations
Müllerová, Hana
2010 - Czech
The introductory part of the report analyses the legal status of animals in the Czech law in force and in the draft of the new Czech Civil Code. The focal point of the contribution are considerations on various types of legal relations that have animals as an object either in public or private law, with reference to different aims of respective legal regulation. Úvodní část příspěvku rozebírá otázku právního postavení zvířat podle platného českého práva a podle navrhované nové právní úpravy občanského zákoníku. Těžištěm příspěvku jsou pak úvahy nad různými typy právních vztahů, jejichž objektem může být zvíře, a to v oblasti práva veřejného i soukromého, s poukazem zejména na různost cílů, k nimž příslušná právní úprava směřuje. Keywords: animal; legal status of animals; protection of animals Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Animal as an Object of Legal Relations

The introductory part of the report analyses the legal status of animals in the Czech law in force and in the draft of the new Czech Civil Code. The focal point of the contribution are considerations ...

Müllerová, Hana
Ústav státu a práva, 2010

Spreading an Infectious Human Disease under s. 152 and s.153 of the Criminal Code
Mitlöhner, Miroslav
2010 - Czech
The crime of spreading an infectious human disease and spreading an infectious human disease negligently. The nature of conduct causing or increasing such danger, different penalties in the case of intentional and negligent forms of fault. Trestný čin šíření nakažlivé lidské nemoci a šíření nakažlivé lidské nemoci z nedbalosti. Povaha jednání, jímž se takové nebezpečí způsobuje nebo zvyšuje, rozdílné sankce u úmyslné a nedbalostní formy zavinění. Keywords: medical law; criminal law; liability; trestní právo Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Spreading an Infectious Human Disease under s. 152 and s.153 of the Criminal Code

The crime of spreading an infectious human disease and spreading an infectious human disease negligently. The nature of conduct causing or increasing such danger, different penalties in the case of ...

Mitlöhner, Miroslav
Ústav státu a práva, 2010

The Quality of Law - Its Expression and Measurement
Novák, František
2010 - Czech
The chapter deals with three pillars which support the existence, implementation and operation of law, i.e. with legislation, application of law, and the area of private activities of parties to legal rules. It stresses the general criteria of the quality of law evaluation and the possible methods of its measurment. Kapitola pojednává o třech pilířích, na nichž spočívá existence, realizace a působení práva, a to o legislativě, aplikaci práva, a sféře soukromoprávních aktivit subjektů právních norem. Upozorňuje na obecná kritéria hodnocení kvality práva a možné způsoby jejího měření. Keywords: theory of law; application of law; legal rules Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Quality of Law - Its Expression and Measurement

The chapter deals with three pillars which support the existence, implementation and operation of law, i.e. with legislation, application of law, and the area of private activities of parties to legal ...

Novák, František
Ústav státu a práva, 2010

An Overview of Legal Tools Preventing Child Care Neglect
Mitlöhner, Miroslav; Wisiński, P.
2010 - Czech
The article provides qualified information concerning the issue of child care neglect. The resolution and prevention of this matter are regulated by enumerated legal regulations, international agreements, ordinances and government decrees. Článek podává kvalifikované informace k problematice zanedbávání péče o dítě. Řešení a prevence je upravena ve vyjmenovaných právních předpisech, mezinárodních smlouvách, vyhláškách a nařízeních vlády. Keywords: child care neglect; family law; rodinné právo Available at various institutes of the ASCR
An Overview of Legal Tools Preventing Child Care Neglect

The article provides qualified information concerning the issue of child care neglect. The resolution and prevention of this matter are regulated by enumerated legal regulations, international ...

Mitlöhner, Miroslav; Wisiński, P.
Ústav státu a práva, 2010

Fragmentation of International Law, Prohibition of Use of Force and Jus Cogens
Mrázek, Josef
2009 - Czech
The aim of this contribution was to focus on fragmentation of law on the occasion of armed force application or its prohibition in International Law and on the related rules “jus cogens”. Záměrem tohoto příspěvku bylo soustředit se na fragmentaci práva při použití ozbrojené síly, resp. jejího zákazu v mezinárodním právu a s tím souvisící existencí norem jus kodex. Keywords: international law; public international law; use of force Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fragmentation of International Law, Prohibition of Use of Force and Jus Cogens

The aim of this contribution was to focus on fragmentation of law on the occasion of armed force application or its prohibition in International Law and on the related rules “jus cogens”.

Mrázek, Josef
Ústav státu a práva, 2009

Criminal Problems of Permitted Risk in Healthcare
Mitlöhner, Miroslav
2009 - Czech
Risk limits and admissibility conditions of curative and non-curative treatment, the lege artis principle. Hranice rizika a podmínky přípustnosti v léčebných a neléčebných zákroků, postup lege artis. Keywords: medical law; criminal law; trestní právo Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Criminal Problems of Permitted Risk in Healthcare

Risk limits and admissibility conditions of curative and non-curative treatment, the lege artis principle.

Mitlöhner, Miroslav
Ústav státu a práva, 2009

To the question of fragmentation of international law
Šturma, Pavel
2009 - Czech
In his chapter devoted to fragmentation of International Law, the author deals with the relationship of special and general rules of International Law. Autor v kapitole věnované fragmentaci mezinárodního práva se zabývá vztahem mezi speciálními a obecnými pravidly mezinárodního práva. Keywords: fragmentation of International Law; rules of International Law Available at various institutes of the ASCR
To the question of fragmentation of international law

In his chapter devoted to fragmentation of International Law, the author deals with the relationship of special and general rules of International Law.

Šturma, Pavel
Ústav státu a práva, 2009

On the Relationship between the EU Law and the National Law of the Member States
Mrázek, Josef
2009 - Czech
In the chapter, the author deals with the development of the EC law and EU law, with the relationship between the EU law and the legal system of member states, with the powers of the EU and the issues of state sovereignty, as well with the human rights protection. Autor v kapitole se zabývá vývojem práva ES a práva EU, vztahem mezi právem EU a právním systémem členských států, dále pravomocemi EU a otázkami státní suverenity, a ochranou lidských práv. Keywords: public international law; EU law; state sovereignty Available at various institutes of the ASCR
On the Relationship between the EU Law and the National Law of the Member States

In the chapter, the author deals with the development of the EC law and EU law, with the relationship between the EU law and the legal system of member states, with the powers of the EU and the issues ...

Mrázek, Josef
Ústav státu a práva, 2009

Human Sexuality in the new Criminal Code
Mitlöhner, Miroslav
2009 - Czech
In the initial part of his contribution, the author states some principles which are the basis of the new Criminal Code no.40/2009 Sb. The author also deals with the fundamental change of the structure of the Code and with the new merits of case brought about by the new Criminal Code. Autor v úvodu svého příspěvku uvádí zásady, ze kterých vychází nový trestní zákoník č.40/2009 Sb., zabývá se zásadní změnou ve struktuře zákona a novými skutkovými podstatami, které přináší trestní zákon. Keywords: human sexuality; criminal law; new Criminal Code; trestní právo Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Human Sexuality in the new Criminal Code

In the initial part of his contribution, the author states some principles which are the basis of the new Criminal Code no.40/2009 Sb. The author also deals with the fundamental change of the ...

Mitlöhner, Miroslav
Ústav státu a práva, 2009

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