Number of found documents: 29
Published from to

Preliminary check-list of aquatic beetles of the Novohradské Hory Mts. (Coleoptera: Haliplidae, Gyrinidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Hydraenidae, Helophoridae, Spercheidae, Hydrophilidae, Scirtidae, Elmidae)
Boukal S., David; Boukal, M.; Fikáček, M.; Šťastný, J.; Trávníček, D.
2002 - Czech
Keywords: Novohradské Mountains; check-list; hory; křídlatí Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Preliminary check-list of aquatic beetles of the Novohradské Hory Mts. (Coleoptera: Haliplidae, Gyrinidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Hydraenidae, Helophoridae, Spercheidae, Hydrophilidae, Scirtidae, Elmidae)

Boukal S., David; Boukal, M.; Fikáček, M.; Šťastný, J.; Trávníček, D.
Entomologický ústav, 2002

Digital imaging in Biology and Medicine
Weyda, František
2002 - Czech
Keywords: digital imaging; biologie; lékařství Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Digital imaging in Biology and Medicine

Weyda, František
Entomologický ústav, 2002

Biodiversity and environment of the Novohradské Mouintains, Czech Republic
Papáček, Miroslav
2002 - Czech
Keywords: Biodiversity; Novohradské Mts.; republika; životní prostředí Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Biodiversity and environment of the Novohradské Mouintains, Czech Republic

Papáček, Miroslav
Entomologický ústav, 2002

Parasites on the skin of horses
Minář, Jan
2002 - Czech
Keywords: ectoparasites on horses; Diptera; mange; paraziti; koně Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Parasites on the skin of horses

Minář, Jan
Entomologický ústav, 2002

On the distribution and habitat preference of five relatively rare water bug species (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) in the southwest border area of the Czech Republic
Papáček, Miroslav
2002 - Czech
Keywords: Cymatia bonsdorffii; Glaenocorisa propinqua; druhy; preference Available at various institutes of the ASCR
On the distribution and habitat preference of five relatively rare water bug species (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) in the southwest border area of the Czech Republic

Papáček, Miroslav
Entomologický ústav, 2002

Lacewings (Neuropteroidea) and scorpionflies (Mecoptera) of the Novohradské hory Mts
Zelený, Jiří
2002 - Czech
Keywords: Megaloptera; Raphidioptera; Neuropteroidea; hory; podmořské hory Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Lacewings (Neuropteroidea) and scorpionflies (Mecoptera) of the Novohradské hory Mts

Zelený, Jiří
Entomologický ústav, 2002

Long-time research on the species spectrum and numbers of blood sucking Diptera mainly mosquitoes in nature reserves Litovelské Pomoraví and Pálava
Minář, Jan; Gelbič, Ivan; Olejníček, Jiří
2002 - Czech
Keywords: nature reserves -Morava river; mosquitoes; krev; čas Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Long-time research on the species spectrum and numbers of blood sucking Diptera mainly mosquitoes in nature reserves Litovelské Pomoraví and Pálava

Minář, Jan; Gelbič, Ivan; Olejníček, Jiří
Entomologický ústav, 2002

Change of approaches to landscape - condition of sustainable development
Syrovátka, Oldřich; Šír, M.; Tesař, M.
2001 - Czech
Renewal of landscape ecological functions based on retention evapotranspiration unit (RETU) is defined as a fundamental feature of landscape revitalisation. Obnova krajině ekologických funkcí krajiny, založených na primární koncepci retenčně- evapotranspirační jednotky (RETU). Keywords: biomass; biomasa Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Change of approaches to landscape - condition of sustainable development

Renewal of landscape ecological functions based on retention evapotranspiration unit (RETU) is defined as a fundamental feature of landscape revitalisation.

Syrovátka, Oldřich; Šír, M.; Tesař, M.
Entomologický ústav, 2001

Relict and endemitic insect fauna is basic priority for conservation of the Šumava Mts
Spitzer, Karel
2001 - Czech
Relict and endemitic insect fauna is basic priority for conservation of the Šumava Mts. Reliktní a endemitní entomofauna jako priorita v ochraně p řírody. Keywords: Lepidoptera; priority; hmyz Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Relict and endemitic insect fauna is basic priority for conservation of the Šumava Mts

Relict and endemitic insect fauna is basic priority for conservation of the Šumava Mts.

Spitzer, Karel
Entomologický ústav, 2001

Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Šumava Mountains
Zelený, Jiří
2001 - Czech
The survey of dragonflies (Odonata) species in the Šumava Mts. Přehled vážek (Odonata) vyskytujících se na Šumavě. Keywords: Lestidae; hory; druhy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Šumava Mountains

The survey of dragonflies (Odonata) species in the Šumava Mts.

Zelený, Jiří
Entomologický ústav, 2001

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