Number of found documents: 29
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Discourses and Justification of Security and Risk
Mansfeldová, Zdenka; Guasti, Petra; Gawrecká, Daniela; Vamberová, Pavla; Lacina, Tomáš; Hronešová, J.; Tedeschi, A.
2014 - English
This deliverable presents a comparative analysis of discourses and justifications of security and risk in newspapers in ten countries both within EU (Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland) and outside of the EU (Mexico, the USA) as well as in four security expert blogs. Deliverable analyses channels and patterns of communication and risk prevention for specific target groups. Keywords: discourse; security; risk Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Discourses and Justification of Security and Risk

This deliverable presents a comparative analysis of discourses and justifications of security and risk in newspapers in ten countries both within EU (Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, the Czech ...

Mansfeldová, Zdenka; Guasti, Petra; Gawrecká, Daniela; Vamberová, Pavla; Lacina, Tomáš; Hronešová, J.; Tedeschi, A.
Sociologický ústav, 2014

Communication Patterns and Effective Channels of Communication
Guasti, Petra; Mansfeldová, Zdenka; Hronešová, J.; Gawrecká, Daniela; Vamberová, Pavla; Lacina, Tomáš; Turhan, U.; Tedeschi, A.; De Gramatica, M.; Shim, W.; Williams, J.
2014 - English
This deliverable combines qualitative and quantitative survey methods to provide an analysis of communication channels and patterns between policy makers, stakeholders (i.e. companies), and citizens in the areas of security and risk in regards to three specific areas – air transport, public transport, and critical national infrastructure in ten countries. Analysis focuses on the trade-offs among security, privacy, health and personal dignity. Keywords: communication patterns; channels of communication; security Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Communication Patterns and Effective Channels of Communication

This deliverable combines qualitative and quantitative survey methods to provide an analysis of communication channels and patterns between policy makers, stakeholders (i.e. companies), and citizens ...

Guasti, Petra; Mansfeldová, Zdenka; Hronešová, J.; Gawrecká, Daniela; Vamberová, Pavla; Lacina, Tomáš; Turhan, U.; Tedeschi, A.; De Gramatica, M.; Shim, W.; Williams, J.
Sociologický ústav, 2014

Demographic Change in Central Europe. A socio - economic background analysis
Šimon, Martin; Mikešová, Renáta
2013 - English
The study provides a basic comparative demographic analysis of regions in the Central European area. It is particularly focused on population shrinkage and population ageing which is present at the regional level in all the countries in Central Europe. Keywords: demographic change; population ageing; shrinking regions Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Demographic Change in Central Europe. A socio - economic background analysis

The study provides a basic comparative demographic analysis of regions in the Central European area. It is particularly focused on population shrinkage and population ageing which is present at the ...

Šimon, Martin; Mikešová, Renáta
Sociologický ústav, 2013

Risk Perception Research: Literature and Data Review
Vráblíková, Kateřina
2012 - English
The paper intends to allow the broader academic community taking part in an on-going discussion about risks and threats as well as trade-offs between them and security. This research focus stems from the fact that until now, social scientists have primarily studied threats and risks through the perspective of social psychology by conducting the so-called “risk assessment” analyses, especially looking at the concept of “risk perception”. This research thus aims to probe these concepts in order to broaden our understanding of the multivariate study of risks and threats in social sciences by adding some context-dependent and temporal aspects. The paper intends to allow the broader academic community taking part in an on-going discussion about risks and threats as well as trade-offs between them and security. This research focus stems from the fact that until now, social scientists have primarily studied threats and risks through the perspective of social psychology by conducting the so-called “risk assessment” analyses, especially looking at the concept of “risk perception”. This research thus aims to probe these concepts in order to broaden our understanding of the multivariate study of risks and threats in social sciences by adding some context-dependent and temporal aspects. Keywords: risk perception; psychometric pardigm; cultural theory Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Risk Perception Research: Literature and Data Review

The paper intends to allow the broader academic community taking part in an on-going discussion about risks and threats as well as trade-offs between them and security. This research focus stems from ...

Vráblíková, Kateřina
Sociologický ústav, 2012

Country Report. Social Sciences and Humanities in the Czech Republic
Kostelecký, Tomáš; Patočková, Věra
2009 - English
The report was prepared within the Metris framework. METRIS - Monitoring European trends in Social Sciences and Humanities - is a project launched by the European Commission, DG-Research, Directorate L, "Science, Economy and Society" in order to provide an overview of these fields in Europe. The report followed the Metris structure. The general overview of SSH system in the Czech republic is given, then the attention is focused on Policy Setting System, Funding System and Performing System. Keywords: Social sciencies; Humanities; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Country Report. Social Sciences and Humanities in the Czech Republic

The report was prepared within the Metris framework. METRIS - Monitoring European trends in Social Sciences and Humanities - is a project launched by the European Commission, DG-Research, Directorate ...

Kostelecký, Tomáš; Patočková, Věra
Sociologický ústav, 2009

(Geo)politiky mobility
Červinková, Alice
2009 - English
Studie se zabývá akademickou mobilitou v genderových, disciplinárních a geopolitických souvislostech. Mobilita je produktem heterogenní sítě lidí, materiálních objektů a institucí. Genderový rozměr akademické mobility se ustavuje především v souvislosti s vyjednáváním, zda a kde se ucházet o zahraniční stáž. Některé vědecké obory a specializace operují v hustě provázané mezinárodní síti. V těchto globalizovaných oborech je mobilita etapou v akademické dráze, která podmiňuje její další realizaci. Nároky těchto oborů na mobilitu navigují a (spolu)uskutečňují podoby jak akademických drah konfigurace partnerských soužití. This study concerns academic mobility along the gendered, disciplinary and geopolitical axes. Mobility is seen as an effect of heterogeneous networks of material objects and institutions. The gender dimension of an academic career is enacted in particular in relation to negotiations about postdoctoral fellowships – if, who and where will apply for a fellowship in an academic couple. Some scientific disciplines operate in densely-linked international networks. In highly globalized disciplines mobility constitutes a stage in an academic career that has a major bearing on its further course. Requirements placed on mobility in these scientific areas navigate and co-construct shapes of the academic career path and partnership configurations. Keywords: mobility; gender; science Available at various institutes of the ASCR
(Geo)politiky mobility

Studie se zabývá akademickou mobilitou v genderových, disciplinárních a geopolitických souvislostech. Mobilita je produktem heterogenní sítě lidí, materiálních objektů a institucí. Genderový rozměr ...

Červinková, Alice
Sociologický ústav, 2009

Report on the activities and political claims of majority women’s NGOs and minoritized women’s and gender-based NGOs or groups on care and specifically on childcare in the Czech Republic since the end of the Second World War
Uhde, Zuzana; Dudová, Radka; Pulkrábková, K.; Soudková, Š.
2008 - English
The report provides an overview of the activities and political claims of women’s organizations and other gender-based or minority-oriented NGOs and groups with regard to childcare in the Czech Republic since the Second World War. For historical reasons the trajectory of women’s organizing in the Czech Republic differ from the one common in Western democratic countries and also there is not a sufficient amount of research sources on women’s and minority organizing for the entire researched period. Therefore, the authors included not only the research review but also some preliminary results of their original research. Minoritized groups of women (Roma women, women-migrants) especially are excluded from the public discourse and claim-making on childcare and it was essential to conduct field research to identify problematic issues or implicit demands regarding childcare in these groups. Zpráva podává přehled o aktivitách a politických požadavcích ženských organizací a dalších genderově zaměřených či na minority zaměřených organizací zejména s ohledem na péči o děti v České republice po druhé světové válce. Keywords: social movements; NGO; gender Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report on the activities and political claims of majority women’s NGOs and minoritized women’s and gender-based NGOs or groups on care and specifically on childcare in the Czech Republic since the end of the Second World War

The report provides an overview of the activities and political claims of women’s organizations and other gender-based or minority-oriented NGOs and groups with regard to childcare in the Czech ...

Uhde, Zuzana; Dudová, Radka; Pulkrábková, K.; Soudková, Š.
Sociologický ústav, 2008

The provision of childcare services in the Czech Republic
Křížková, Alena
2008 - English
The Czech Republic comes nowhere near to meeting the Barcelona targets and does not even satisfy the needs and demands of Czech parents. After 1989 childcare services for children under the age of three almost entirely disappeared and there was a drastic decrease in the number of spaces at kindergartens for children under the age of 3. While in 1989, 96% of children between the ages of 3 and 6 attended a preschool facility in 2005 the figure was 78.3%. For the future generation of “potential” parents nurseries are a more acceptable option than they are for the current generation of parents. Česká republika zcela jistě nesplní Barcelonské cíle pokrytí služeb péče o děti a ani zdaleka nepokryje poptávku českých rodičů. Po roce 1989 téměř zcela zmizela nabídka služeb péče o děti do tří let a pro tyto děti také téměř zcela zmizela možnost využívat služeb mateřských škol.Zatímco v roce 1989 bylo 96 % dětí od 3 do 6 let v předškolních zařízeních, v roce 2005 byl tento podíl 78,3 %. Pro generaci budoucích rodičů jsou předškolní zařízení pro malé děti navíc výrazně více akceptovanou variantou péče o děti než pro generace dřívější. Keywords: childcare sercices; family policy; gender equality; Barcelona targets in childcare coverage Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The provision of childcare services in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic comes nowhere near to meeting the Barcelona targets and does not even satisfy the needs and demands of Czech parents. After 1989 childcare services for children under the age of ...

Křížková, Alena
Sociologický ústav, 2008

Description of legislation and statistical data on childcare leaves, childcare benefits, childcare facilities and work-life balance arrangements in the Czech labor market since the WWII (with special focus on single parent families, Roma minority and foreigners)
Hašková, Hana; Uhde, Zuzana; Dudová, Radka; Křížková, Alena; Leontiyeva, Yana; Maříková, Hana; Pulkrábková, K.; Vohlídalová, Marta; Vojtková, Michaela
2008 - English
Description of statistical data and analysis of development of legislation on childcare leaves, childcare benefits, childcare facilities and work-life balance arrangements in the Czech labor market since the WWII (with special focus on single parent families, Roma minority and foreigners). Popis a analýza statistických dat a vývoje legislativy, týkající se rodičovské a mateřské dovolené, finanční pomoci osobám pečujícím o malé děti, zařízení péče o děti a slaďování pracovního a rodinného života v české společnosti od konce druhé světové války do současnosti. Keywords: childcare leaves; childcare benefits; work-life balance Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Description of legislation and statistical data on childcare leaves, childcare benefits, childcare facilities and work-life balance arrangements in the Czech labor market since the WWII (with special focus on single parent families, Roma minority and foreigners)

Description of statistical data and analysis of development of legislation on childcare leaves, childcare benefits, childcare facilities and work-life balance arrangements in the Czech labor market ...

Hašková, Hana; Uhde, Zuzana; Dudová, Radka; Křížková, Alena; Leontiyeva, Yana; Maříková, Hana; Pulkrábková, K.; Vohlídalová, Marta; Vojtková, Michaela
Sociologický ústav, 2008

National Expert Assessment of the Gender Perspective in The National Reform Programme for Employment
Křížková, Alena
2008 - English
The study is evaluating the National Reform Programme for Employent from the point of view of gender mainstreaming and policies for the promotion of gender equality in the Czech Republic. Employment policies of the Czech Republic lack gender impact assessment and gender mainstreaming is missing in National reform programme for employment. Studie hodnotí Národní program reforem zaměstnanosti z hlediska aplikace gender mainstreamingu a politik k prosazování genderové rovnosti v České republice. Politiky zaměstnanosti v České republice postrádají zhodnocení dopadů na genderové vztahy a gender mainstreaming celkově a dlouhodobě chybí v Národním programu reforem zaměstnanosti. Keywords: National Reform Programme for Employment; gender mainstreaming; gender equality Available at various institutes of the ASCR
National Expert Assessment of the Gender Perspective in The National Reform Programme for Employment

The study is evaluating the National Reform Programme for Employent from the point of view of gender mainstreaming and policies for the promotion of gender equality in the Czech Republic. Employment ...

Křížková, Alena
Sociologický ústav, 2008

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NRGL provides central access to information on grey literature produced in the Czech Republic in the fields of science, research and education. You can find more information about grey literature and NRGL at service web

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