Number of found documents: 29
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Ethnic minority and Roma women in the Czech Republic
Křížková, Alena
2008 - English
The study focuses on ethnic minorities and foreigners, and specifically on groups of women at risk of social exclusion, with an implied focus on Roma women and a focus on women immigrants from the East. Policies and access to basic rights and services are evaluated from the point of view of gender equality and multiple discrimination. Studie se zaměřuje na etnické minority a cizince a zejména na skupiny žen ohrožené sociálním vyloučením, se zvláštním zřetelem na romské ženy a imigrantky z východu. Politiky a přístup k základním právům a službám v naší společnosti jsou zhodnoceny z hlediska genderové rovnosti a vícenásobné diskriminace. Keywords: ethnic minority; gender equality; Roma women Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Ethnic minority and Roma women in the Czech Republic

The study focuses on ethnic minorities and foreigners, and specifically on groups of women at risk of social exclusion, with an implied focus on Roma women and a focus on women immigrants from the ...

Křížková, Alena
Sociologický ústav, 2008

National Expert Assessment of the Gender Perspective in the National Strategic Report
Křížková, Alena
2008 - English
The study is evaluating the National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Social Protection from the point of view of gender mainstreaming and policies for the promotion of gender equality in the Czech Republic. Gender mainstreaming is not visible in the NSR for the Czech Republic. Gender disaggregated statistics are presented but not analysed or used as a tool to create measures to advance gender equality. Studie hodnotí Národní strategický plán sociálního začleňování z hlediska aplikace gender mainstreamingu a politik k prosazování genderové rovnosti v České republice. Gender mainstreaming v tomto plánu České republiky chybí. Statistiky členěné podle genderu jsou prezentovány, ale nejsou analyzovány nebo využity jako nástroj k vytvoření opatření pro posílení genderové rovnosti. Keywords: National Strategic Report; gender mainstreaming; gender equality Available at various institutes of the ASCR
National Expert Assessment of the Gender Perspective in the National Strategic Report

The study is evaluating the National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Social Protection from the point of view of gender mainstreaming and policies for the promotion of gender equality in the Czech ...

Křížková, Alena
Sociologický ústav, 2008

Gender segregation in the labour market: roots, implications and policy responses in the Czech Republic
Křížková, Alena
2008 - English
This study presents an analysis of the situation of the Czech Republic, a country with one of the highest levels of gender segregation in the labour market of all EU countries. The segregation of women into low-income professions, firms and employment groups plays a very important role in the Czech Republic and is the cause of approximately one-third of the gender pay gap. At present the gender segregation of the labour market is not a topic that is being discussed at the political level. Studie prezentuje situaci České republiky jako země s jedním z nejvyšších stupňů genderové segregace trhu práce v rámci zemí EU. Segregace žen do nízkopříjmových profesí, firem a sektorů hraje v ČR velmi důležitou roli a je přímou příčinou velkého podílu mzdových rozdílů mezi muži a ženami. V současnosti není genderová segregace trhu práce tématem, které by bylo diskutováno na politické úrovni. Keywords: gender segregation; gender pay gap; gender inequality Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Gender segregation in the labour market: roots, implications and policy responses in the Czech Republic

This study presents an analysis of the situation of the Czech Republic, a country with one of the highest levels of gender segregation in the labour market of all EU countries. The segregation of ...

Křížková, Alena
Sociologický ústav, 2008

Tertiary education in the Czech Republic: main trends and the causes of the current crisis
Matějů, Petr; Zlatuška, J.; Bartoš, W.; Simonová, Natalie; Basl, Josef
2006 - English
The report prepared for the team of OECD examiners working on the Tertiary Review deals with main trends in the development of tertiary education in the Czech Republic after 1989 and principal problems requiring deep and consistent reforms of the Czech tertiary education. . Zpráva připravená pro examinátory OECD zpracovávající Zprávu o terciárním vzdělání v ČR se zabývá hlavními trendy ve vývoji terciárního vzdělávání v ČR a hlavními problémy, které vyžadují hluboké a konzistentní reformy českého vysokého školství. Keywords: Tertiary education; reform; OECD Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Tertiary education in the Czech Republic: main trends and the causes of the current crisis

The report prepared for the team of OECD examiners working on the Tertiary Review deals with main trends in the development of tertiary education in the Czech Republic after 1989 and principal ...

Matějů, Petr; Zlatuška, J.; Bartoš, W.; Simonová, Natalie; Basl, Josef
Sociologický ústav, 2006

Enlargement, gender and governance: The Civic and political participation and Representation of Women in Central and Eastern Europe - Deliverable n.2 - Country Report (Czech Republic) - Analysing Female Visibility
Hašková, Hana; Václavíková-Helšusová, L.; Křížková, Alena; Linková, Marcela; Kolářová, Marta; Smetáčková, I.; Rakušanová, Petra
2003 - English
Keywords: women; EU enlargement; civil society Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Enlargement, gender and governance: The Civic and political participation and Representation of Women in Central and Eastern Europe - Deliverable n.2 - Country Report (Czech Republic) - Analysing Female Visibility

Hašková, Hana; Václavíková-Helšusová, L.; Křížková, Alena; Linková, Marcela; Kolářová, Marta; Smetáčková, I.; Rakušanová, Petra
Sociologický ústav, 2003

Enlargement, gender and governance: The Civic and political participation and Representation of Women in Central and Eastern Europe - Deliverable n.1 - Country Report (Czech Republic) - Conceptual Framework
Hašková, Hana; Rakušanová, Petra
2003 - English
Keywords: women; EU enlargement; civil society Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Enlargement, gender and governance: The Civic and political participation and Representation of Women in Central and Eastern Europe - Deliverable n.1 - Country Report (Czech Republic) - Conceptual Framework

Hašková, Hana; Rakušanová, Petra
Sociologický ústav, 2003

National Report on the Results of the Survey "Strategies and Actors of Social Transformation and and Modernization" Czech Republic
Machonin, Pavel; Gatnar, Lumír; Kroupa, Aleš; Šťastnová, Pavlína; Tuček, Milan
1996 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
National Report on the Results of the Survey "Strategies and Actors of Social Transformation and and Modernization" Czech Republic

Machonin, Pavel; Gatnar, Lumír; Kroupa, Aleš; Šťastnová, Pavlína; Tuček, Milan
Sociologický ústav, 1996

Party System in the Czech Republic. Local Level
Brokl, Lubomír; Mansfeldová, Zdenka; Tuček, Milan; Kroupa, Aleš
1994 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Party System in the Czech Republic. Local Level

Brokl, Lubomír; Mansfeldová, Zdenka; Tuček, Milan; Kroupa, Aleš
Sociologický ústav, 1994

The Party System and Parliament in the Election Year 1992
Brokl, Lubomír; Mansfeldová, Zdenka; Kroupa, Aleš
1994 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Party System and Parliament in the Election Year 1992

Brokl, Lubomír; Mansfeldová, Zdenka; Kroupa, Aleš
Sociologický ústav, 1994

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